Aquatic Therapy
Aquatic therapy offers an alternative therapy that makes use of warm, therapeutic pools. This therapy is beneficial for those who are restricted in a traditional physical therapy environment. Aquatic therapy has a range of benefits and is suitable for numerous medical conditions, including orthopedic and arthritic conditions, as well as restricted weight-bearing status after surgery.
Features of Aquatic Therapy
- Buoyancy: Water decreases the gravity placed on weak limbs unable to bear much weight. This makes movement easier to move, with less stress on joints, muscles, and bones.
- Water Pressure: Water surrounds the body and helps blood circulation in the legs. This can also reduce swelling in the ankles and feet. As swelling decreases, range of motion can increase.
- Resistance: Water provides a full-body workout to strengthen every working muscle. Muscle toning, weight reduction, and sensory awareness all improve with aquatic therapy.
Diagnosis that can benefit from Aquatic Therapy:
- Arthritis (RA & OA)
- Balance deficits
- Cardiac diseases
- Circulatory problems
- Fibromyalgia
- Joint replacement
- Limited range of motion
- Neurological MS, stroke, Parkinson’s, ALS
- Obesity
- Orthopedic injuries/trauma
- Osteoporosis
- Perceptual/spatial problems
- Poor motor coordination
- Respiratory problems
- Sensory disorders
- Spasticity
- Weakness