Balance and Fall Prevention

Mission Physical Rehabilitation recognizes the critical importance of balance and fall prevention in maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Falls can lead to severe consequences, particularly for older adults, making it essential to take proactive measures to minimize fall risks.

Falls are a concern, especially amongst older adults, often resulting in serious injuries and lasting impacts. Understanding the causes of falls and the effects of aging on balance is essential for effective prevention.

As we age, natural changes in the body can impair our ability to maintain stability. Factors such as decreased muscle strength, reduced flexibility, and changes in vision and hearing contribute to this decline.

Additional Factors that increase Fall Risk Include:

  • • Poor Posture
  • • Disease (Diabetes, Stroke, Osteoporosis)
  • • Home Hazards
  • • Medications


Our fall prevention programs are designed to increase independence with functional activities, functional mobility, and safety awareness while decreasing fall risk. Research has shown that a successful fall prevention program must be multi-dimensional. Our programs address all underlying factors in addition to increasing strength and balance.

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